Chaotic Cooky Kitchen #4 – Teen-Time Chocolate Nut Bars

The font of all "cooky" knowledge*Links to Amazon are affiliate links and could earn this site a few cents.

Welcome back to the Chaotic Cooky Kitchen, where I’m still trying to get back on track here. But this time, I brought in a ringer recipe, because I can’t pass these up when I have the opportunity to make them.

But I didn’t have to do anything crazy like jump ahead at all, just move on a couple of pages to:

Molded Cookies

OK, this is a recipe in theĀ Cooky Book* that I know and love via my mom. It’s not something that she makes constantly, but they are always good:

Want to scare the bejeebers out of every parent? Ask for “Teen time.”

It’s a confusing name to me, because nothing in it strikes me as particularly 60s-teenager-like, but maybe it just refers to moms whipping up a pan of cookies for the kids on a Friday night after school sports?

If so, that resonates a bit, because my friend M_____’s mom would do that for us most Friday nights during football season. She was great (RIP).

On that note, the…


Yep, I’m imitating Psych.

First…. to the stove! And get everything all melty.

Stop when you see the bubbles…

Let that sit for 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, scramble the eggs in a bowl or cup.

Then the recipe tells you to put that scramble into the slightly-cooled mix above, but that made me a bit nervous. So I decided to temper them slightly (and slowly):

Once you have warmed your eggs up enough (I did 4 or 5 spoonfuls), then you can add it to the warm caramel-y mixture:

Hoping not to make egg drop caramel.

Meanwhile, you sifted all the dry stuff together, right?

Just call me Mr. Sift-o.

You did? Good! Mix it all together!

Any faster and I probably would have dropped the camera.

Once that’s mixed together, DON’T DO WHAT I DID.

That’s right, I know it’s hard to imagine, but I screwed up. The recipe says to just mix the chips and nuts in, but what I think you want to do is wait for the batter to cool a bunch more.

Why? Because I melted 90% of my chocolate chips, which made these more like brownies than what I think were supposed to be… something else.

Wait! Slow down!

Well I didn’t do that, and even though it all cooled down reasonably well, things started to melt together.


But yeah, what’s done was done, so… you greased up your pan, right?

Bake at the usual temp for the usual time, and sure enough, you get… well, basically brownies.

To be more specific, something like a cakey brownie, which is never a bad thing.

Moody lighting, which is appropriate for the name of the cookie.

The Verdict: A+

Oof. These are kryptonite for someone trying to do a low-carb diet.2 They’re always excellent, but if you have a chance to buy high-quality unsweetened chocolate3, do it, and absolutely use it in this recipe.

*Links to the Cooky book are Amazon affiliate links that theoretically could earn a teensy amount of money for the site.