Category: _Personal

Perspective on the MN Model

So, remember way back in May when MN’s top model[er]s were projecting possible scenarios for…

 Posted in COVID-19, Media Narrative, Uncategorized

Visit from the Birthday Brigade

Youngest had a mini-parade for his birthday today, then the public works guys came back…

 Posted in _Personal


And, that’s a social media mini-fast starting today. Since I’ll be working from home a…

 Posted in _Personal, Social smocial, Uncategorized

I shall not darken their door again*

Because apparently there aren’t enough fast food places out there. (*at least, not the restaurant)

 Posted in _Personal Tagged

Not-quite-action shots

A sports photographer I’m not, but the 7th grade B team went undefeated this year!…

 Posted in _Personal

It’s almost like it’s an office!


 Posted in _Personal

Haunted by the specter of “walk me dangit”

 Posted in _Personal, Uncategorized

Your face when…

… you definitively learn that you are allergic to dilating eye drops: looks like you…

 Posted in _Personal

Let the games begin

 Posted in _Food, _Personal

I have been made stupider by reading this

Ugh… While attention-grabbing, it is not clear that this is what Legasov actually said, or…

 Posted in Uncategorized