It was a weekend of making and eating food for some reason, and on Sunday we did the annual; “at $0.79/lb you can’t afford NOT to buy a turkey” meal, a small subset of a Thanksgiving meal but with an abundance of pies because my recipe backlog at this point is in the thousands.
2 thoughts on “Happy Cheapturkeysgiving!”
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YOU CAN’T PUT TURKEY GRAVY ON A CHICKEN!?! What would baby Jesus say? “Delicious!” Or so I imagine. Babies aren’t that smart. Then again. Babies really don’t talk a lot either. (They’ll eat up them cranberries tho)
I’M AWAITING MODERATION?!?? I UNSUBSCRIBE. (But thank you for reminding me that James Lileks is still out there. I still remember calling him and Jeremy(?) when The Diner got torn down. I still have my leaky urinal.)