Chaotic Cooky Kitchen #8 – The Ringer

The font of all "cooky" knowledge
*Links to Amazon are affiliate links and could earn this site a few cents.

Welcome back to the Chaotic Cooky Kitchen, where I’m still trying to get back on track here. But this time, I brought in a ringer recipe, because I can’t pass these up when I have the opportunity to make them.

But I didn’t have to do anything crazy like jump ahead at all, just move on a couple of pages to:

Molded Cookies

OK, this is a recipe in the Cooky Book* that I know and love via my mom. It’s not something that she makes constantly, but they are always good:

Above and beyond, really.

I know I’ve made these before, but it’s been long enough that two things struck me: the amount of sugar (2 types, although the powdered is for show) and the number of eggs:

We make up for all the sugar with unsweetened chocolate, right?

The Process

First off, melt the chocolate. And if you want to use a double boiler, you go right ahead. But this is something that the microwave is practically made for, if you’re willing to pay attention:

No more attention than you’d have to pay with a double boiler…

Then it’s the usual wet-ingredient / dry-ingredient shuffle, with the added drama of, er, added eggs:

Oooh. Shiny.

Then it’s time to add the flour, and given the results I highly recommend both weighing and sifting your flour (5oz per listed cup!):

Then stir it up:

It was at this point I wished I had a 20% bigger bowl.

Once it all comes together, it’s chill time. I went overnight, because I wanted to go to bed before 2AM.

Forming – er, molding

The next day, you finally get to use the powdered sugar. The recipe says to use rounded teaspoons, but note that I don’t recommend using the little measuring spoon, unless you want cookie-cereal-sizes1; use a small spoon you’d use for eating.

Then roll them up and roll them in the sugar:

Yeah, they’re not pretty right now. You should have seen my hands…

Put them on a sheet — or, if you’re me, have the 7-year-old do it — and bake:

These are tricky to time in the oven, because once they spread out, they don’t change much. Worse, a toothpick or a thermometer does some serious damage to these cookies, which are delicate when they’re baking. The good news is, if you undershoot and end up with batter-y cookies, I can confirm that a few more minutes in the oven will do just fine. What you end up with is:

The Verdict: A+

Oof. These are kryptonite for someone trying to do a low-carb diet.2 They’re always excellent, but if you have a chance to buy high-quality unsweetened chocolate3, do it, and absolutely use it in this recipe.

*Links to the Cooky book are Amazon affiliate links that theoretically could earn a teensy amount of money for the site.


1 Although holy moly, that’d be good.

2 Smart choice on a blog series, right?

3 Bakers isn’t bad, but it’s not great