The narrative suffers some cognitive dissonance

I’ve been listening to Win Bigly for the last few days on the way home from work, and per Adams’ framework, I’ve likely been using the Media Bias Filter for the last 20 years or so.  And it’s been suiting me fairly well; my cognitive dissonance after the 2016 election was pretty minimal, and other than that my ability to predict outcomes in many areas has been fairly decent.

Meanwhile, the media’s filters aren’t working out so well, and a few of them may be hitting some dissonance after the Mateen trial.   Per Jim Treacher:


As usual, the media ignored all the glaring evidence that contradicted their driving narrative. Once they decided on their angle, nothing that the rest of us did or said made a difference. Their minds were made up. That was it. End of story.

Forty-nine people were butchered that night because an Islamic terrorist thought Allah wanted it. It’s a disrespect to their memory to deny that. If you really want to mourn those people, stop lying about why they were murdered.

Read the whole thing, then (maybe) read the whole other thing.