Category: _Society

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4/5 – Yesterday’s COVID-19 MN results vs. projections

I think I want to change up how I’m tracking this, since the lag is…

 Posted in COVID-19

4/4 – Yesterday’s MN COVID-19 Projections

4/3: predicting  5 deaths (5-6),  25 deaths (24-27) total, 932 projected by 8/4 Predicted: (grabbed…

 Posted in COVID-19

4/3 Update – Yesterday’s MN COVID-19 Projection

(Remember, since I can’t find the model that Gov. Walz used to inform his decision…

 Posted in COVID-19

4/2 – Yesterday’s MN Update

I’m still kind of reporting on the wrong day given that the actual data comes…

 Posted in COVID-19

Today’s MN Update

Since I can’t find the model that Gov. Walz used to inform his decision published…

 Posted in COVID-19

A bit of perspective*

This week’s flu season update: Source: *Note that I am not saying COVID-19 isn’t…

 Posted in Media Narrative


And, that’s a social media mini-fast starting today. Since I’ll be working from home a…

 Posted in _Personal, Social smocial, Uncategorized

Calories are a social construct

(Yeah, suddenly I remembered I had this blog thing…) But I was assured that gender…

 Posted in SCIENCE!!!!


I know it’s not exactly a general-interest story, but the stream of SF “fans” bullying…

 Posted in Culture wars

Tee hee

We could rename it the Paul Douglas effect here: But the alarmists try to connect…

 Posted in SCIENCE!!!!